Artificial underwater rocks

Creating a decorative system that enhances the beauty of a space is undoubtedly a challenge, but one that we have specialised in for many years, so we are able to meet it with stunning results every time. We use the experience we have gained in the industry to make complete arrangements, as we want to provide our customers only with solutions that meet their expectations. In our daily work, we rely on modern technology and innovative approaches, resulting in the artificial underwater rocks in this category. We create artificial underwater rocks for fresh and salt water.
We also make artificial roots, trees or aircraft and boat wrecks, and other decorative and complementary elements. All of these elements are ideal for decorating spaces in a very affordable and quick way compared to creating compositions with natural stones, which can sometimes be very dangerous for the underwater biotope due to the emission of chemical components of binding mortars into the water.

Artificial underwater rocks–advantages

Undoubtedly, the use of such products translates into the visual aspect of the space. Indeed, the role of artificial rocks cannot be underestimated in terms of decorative possibilities, which is especially appreciated by owners of small and large aquariums or water theme parks. In addition, the artificial rock constructions offer enormous design possibilities and can be further enhanced with lighting or multimedia installations. Our imitations of natural stones are completely safe for all underwater organisms (even the most delicate ones), so there is nothing to prevent the constructions being used in zoos.
The products proposed in this category are characterised by very high strength and durability, simply an investment for many years.

Artificial rocks for the aquarium and beyond–applications

As we mentioned earlier, these types of structures will find use in large and small saltwater or freshwater aquariums and amusement parks, where they will adorn the underwater space magnificently. Zoos, owners of private water bodies, owners of spas, hotels or swimming pools can also benefit from our services. We invite you to submit even the most unusual fantasy projects. Our team is ready to tackle the toughest challenges.

We make complete arrangements in aquaria large and small with salt and fresh water. Made with our new technology, artificial underwater rocks, artificial roots, artificial trees, decorative elements (e.g. boat wrecks, aircraft wrecks, etc.) are absolutely safe for delicate living underwater organisms. Zoos in Ostrawa, Chorzów, Kraków and Łódź have already benefited from our experience and reliability. Our range of products includes, among others, diving pools, animal pools, artificial coral reefs, etc.

Key benefits:

  • Unlimited installation sizes.
  • Unlimited design possibilities.
  • Lighter than natural.
  • Any colour scheme.
  • Water, lighting, multimedia installations, and a lot more, can be incorporated.